The regional catchment of the Armadale Regional Recreation Reserve will take in the local government areas of Cockburn, Gosnells and Serpentine Jarrahdale, as well as the City of Armadale. It will also service all the suburbs of Armadale east to the Darling Range, north to Gosnells and Southern River, west to Cockburn, south to Byford and takes in the rapidly growing suburbs of Piara Waters, Harrisdale, Hilbert and Haynes.
The reserve will be designed as a multipurpose facility, accommodating a variety of sports including AFL, soccer, cricket, rugby and baseball/t-ball. The facilities will also accommodate those involved in mountain biking, walking and cycling. In addition to the playing fields, other amenities such as a community recreation centre, with a men’s shed, community garden and barbeque areas are proposed.
The infrastructure will also provide immediate and ongoing benefit to multiple community groups, meeting their needs for flexible community space, and improved sporting facilities including the ability to host a larger number of regional events.
How many jobs will it create?
- Construction phase: 153 jobs in the local construction sector
- Up to 828 jobs across the City of Armadale and the wider WA economy.
- Ongoing: TBC